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Why Others Fail

Hair Loss Results

Most medical doctors and hair loss clinics use a very limited form of treatment such as the drug Propecia (finasteride). This reduces male hormone levels to treat hair loss. Unfortunately this also commonly reduces sex drive in males and takes at least 6-12 months before achieving visible results. Also male hormones are only one of many other factors associated with hair loss, so this treatment approach is too limited. Minoxidil 5% - 15% for men and 2% for women is a chemical treatment that only works temporarily and only grows short, fine whispy hair. After stopping use, hair loss occurs again, often even worse than before.

Because there are so many different reasons and causes of hair loss, doctors often focus on treating the disease only and hair loss clinics only focused on short term results that can be detrimental to ones health.

Hair Loss - Not a Simple Treatment

Hair loss is not only a simple skin or scalp problem, it is also associated with blood circulation, hormones, nervous support systems, endocrine glands, diet, nutrition, stress, emotional shock, medical disorders and even genes.

External Factors

Sebaceous Glands, Blood Vessels and Dermal Papilla

Within the scalp there are two ducts that connect to the hair follicle: sebaceous gland and blood vessels. Excessive secretion from the sebaceous gland and restricted blood flow through the blood vessels will affect healthy hair growth cycles.

The dermal papilla is the major communication point between the follicle and the rest of the body. Because blood passes through the papilla, any chemical imbalances in the blood will easily affect the hair follicle health. The dermal papilla is like soil for the hair follicle. Therefore a healthy papilla is essential for healthy hair follicles.

Internal Factors


Genetic hair thinning or baldness is due to the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) acting on genetically-susceptible scalp hair follicles. Testosterone converts to DHT with the aid of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. DHT then binds to receptors on hair follicles obstructing the blood supply to the follicle and thus preventing absorption of essential nutrients.

Emotional Stress And Shock

Emotional stress and shock increase the production of five hormones: Growth hormone, thyroxine, adrenaline, glucocorticoids and glucagon. These hormones all affect blood sugar levels that can cause diffuse hair loss. Emotional stress also causes imbalances in endocrine gland secretions leading to hair loss.

Diet and Nutrition

Deficiencies of iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and chromium affect hair follicle health. High levels of copper can lead to dry hair as well as hair loss. Poor protein intake and essential fatty acid deficiency are other factors to consider as a cause of diffuse hair loss.

Medical Disorders

Medications, surgery, high fever, infections, cosmetic hair treatments and products, menopause, oral contraceptives (especially after stopping), post pregnancy, hysterectomy, under or over active thyroid, diabetes - too much or too little insulin from the pancreas, amenia, hormonal imbalances, food poisoning, exposure to insecticides/pesticides and chemicals in the environment and food... and the list goes on.

The Solution

Hair usually doesn’t grow back when doctors only treat the external disorder. Hair regrowth requires specific treatment. Further hair loss will occur if we only treat the hair and scalp (external condition) and neglect to treat the internal conditions with dietary supplements along with the major component being that of low level laser therapy.

Therefore the most effective way to treat hair loss is to address both external and internal factors, adjust body imbalances, activate hair follicles, improve the hair and scalp environment and enhance hair nourishment. The safest and most effective way to stop hair loss and achieve hair growth is to choose a natural based hair loss treatment.